Canon Inc.
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Canon has released a firmware update for the XF305 / XF300 Professional Camcorder.
Affected Products
XF305 Professional Camcorder
XF300 Professional Camcorder
Firmware Version incorporates the following improvements:
1. Adds the 1440 x 1080 35Mbps setting to the camcorder’s recording modes.
2. Displays the Korean language
For more information on this improvement, please visit the Canon website to download the latest version of the instruction manual for the XF305 / XF300.
Firmware Version is for camcorders with Firmware Version through If the camcorder's firmware is already Version, it is not necessary to update the firmware. Once the camcorder is updated to the latest version, it cannot be restored to a previous version.
Please update the bundled Canon XF Utility application to Version 1.3 so that video clips that are recorded with Firmware Version can be correctly recognized by the application. The following updaters have already been released.
Canon XF Utility 1.3 updater for Windows
Canon XF Utility 1.3 updater for Mac OS X
The new Firmware Version for the XF305 can be downloaded by clicking here. Firmware Version for the XF300 can be downloaded by clicking here.
NOTE: Once on the "Drivers & Software" tab please choose operating system and version. Then expand the Firmware section and click on the firmware file name to access the details page. Choose "I Agree - Begin Download" button to start the download.
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